The Tale of the Raven
a mechanical raven
blasted away
with courage and hope
on a glorious day
she gathered her speed
in a heavenly flight
she sent her goodbyes
through encircling night
a perilous journey
her fuel she would burn
her passengers knowing
they'd never return
she'd find a new world
among stars far away
a new sun would rise
she would see a new day
her prospects were splendid
she needed no luck
but misfortune found her
a pebble she struck
all systems were working
they checked all around
there was but one problem
she couldn't slow down
while hurtling past
stars brighter than chrome
she sought a large mass
to slingshot back home
'twas empty before her
'twas nothing but black
her last hope was fading
she couldn't turn back
they composed a fine story
you've heard it I'm sure
a world of clean air
and water so pure
a planet so lovely
unspoiled twin of Earth
with room for more people
than the world of our birth
a lonely black raven
concealing her cries
asked us to join her
to share in her prize
we boarded our starships
toward raven we flew
believing we'd stroll by
those waters so blue
we logged all her signals
we flew where she led
until that long day when
the beacon went dead
we've come to believe
we followed a ghost
the same fate we're facing
our dreams pay the cost
some lose their spirit
when they arrive here
with nothing to live for
alone in their fear
we're damned to the void
hearts empty of joy
with more still arriving
who bought raven's ploy
~ ~ ~,
Launching January, 2025
Copyright 2015-2024, Ray Yeargin